Glass Lewis

Forcing extreme
woke policies on
American companies

Meet Glass Lewis

Proxy advisory firms are actively working to implement a radical environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda across the country. There are two major proxy advisory firms – Glass Lewis and Institutional Shareholders Services (ISS.)

Given that there are thousands of public companies in the US, institutional investors such as endowments, hedge funds, mutual funds, and pension funds hire proxy advisory firms to advise them on how to vote their proxy ballots at annual shareholder meetings when they have limited time and resources.

Seeing this opportunity, Leftist activists at companies like Glass Lewis have seized upon the proxy voting process to force companies to adopt radical ESG policies that threaten corporate competitiveness and erode shareholder value.

Read the AAF Report on Glass Lewis

The Simple Truths

Glass Lewis and Institutional Shareholders control as much as 91% of the proxy advisory industry
Glass Lewis’s staff is overwhelming liberal, and their liberal bias plays a large part in their proxy voting
State pension funds and other public instrumentalities do not exist to force social changes at corporations
AAF has raised significant enough questions about these proxy advisory companies to suggest that state investment boards should not seek their advice
Even some conservative states like Florida and Oklahoma use Glass Lewis’ services
State pensions or other investments could unknowingly be advancing radical ESG policies without the awareness of most pensioners and taxpayers

What You Need to Know

March 24, 2023

Proxy Wars : Glass Lewis

An Introduction to the Liberal Activists at the Proxy Advisory Firm Glass Lewis who are Forcing Woke ESP Policies at American Companies
January 30, 2023

Paxton Sends Letter to Woke Companies Attempting to Force Shareholders to Adopt a Left-Wing Agenda

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Combating ESG: Republican states paint bull’s-eye on climate-friendly investment advisers

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